Wild + Well-FedCourse

This is not your average nutrition course. In fact, it’s the opposite of every mainstream or holistic nutrition course out there. Which is why we created it.

Are you ready to unlearn everything you’ve ever learned about nutrition? Are you ready to dive into understanding food and how it works in your body so you’re never confused about what to eat again? Are you ready to actually dive into how eating a pro-metabolic diet can and will heal your body, when implemented properly? Are you ready to dig deeper into topics like estrogen dominance, thyroid health, minerals, vitamins, metabolism, cycle syncing, functional foods, so that you truly understand how the body works together? 

Are you ready to become the wildly nourished woman you’ve always dreamed of being?

 Coming October 1st, 2024

How to Work With Us!

Take the Course!

  • Take the Wild + Well-Fed Course and join the community to get course support!

    Consider the course your “initial appointment” (same cost as an initial consult with a nutritionist or doctor but you get an entire educational course with action steps and community support)

Implement the course foundations!

  • Start implementing all the things you have been learning in the course, make Wild + Well-Fed a lifestyle! We highly suggest implementing all the things and getting a good foundation for at least 3 months before ordering labs, this will set you up to have better success and more healing on your protocol.

    Ever wonder why you see tons of practitioners, go on numerous protocols and never get better? It's likely because you don't have the foundations down. The foundations are critical to healing and should be mastered before ordering labs. Keep in mind the course alone will be a tremendous step on your healing journey and might be all you need!

Order Functional Labs!

  • Nailed down all the foundations and now want to order labs to get a deeper look at imbalances in your body?

    We have 2 options, the HTMA only package and the Wild + Well-Fed Package.

    Annika takes the HTMA only orders which are $500 and include all of the below without the additional testing. If you are on a budget, the HTMA is a great place to start since mineral balancing is the foundation.

    The Wild + Well-Fed Package is $2200 and gives you:

    1. All 4 lab tests (included in cost): Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis, DUTCH Hormone Panel, Gi Map Stool Analysis, and Comprehensive Blood Panel.

    This price also includes 6-8+ hours of Laura researching your case and lab results, creating an in depth video presentation for you to view and an individualized protocol , as well as answering questions through email, and in the private client group for support.

    1. A detailed interpretation video: In this video you get an in depth health analysis as I relate your symptoms and health history to your lab results. I go over each lab in detail and your protocol describing what each marker means and how to address it. This helps you you feel empowered and understand exactly how your body is functioning, unlike feeling disempowered and confused at a doctors office.

    2.  An email back to me after watching the video with any questions you have regarding your analysis and protocol

    3. Access to the private client group in the community platform to ask questions

    4. An in-depth client packet to go over next steps

    5. 60 day check in form

    6. Re-tests at a discounted rate and opportunity to order other testing if necessary like Mold/Mycotoxins, Genetics Testing and Organic Acids.

    7. Discounted professional supplements

    8. Access to your dowloaded interpretation video forever

    Once you order labs and have established yourself as a client you are able to order testing individually. Re-tests are discounted.

Listen to the Wild + Well-Fed Podcast!

Hang out with Laura and Annika on The Wild + Well-Fed™ Podcast where they discuss women’s health beyond nutrition.

Available on Apple Podcasts, Overcast and Spotify.

Shop Wild + Well-Fed Coffee, Matcha + Salt

Intentional products made for the nourished woman.

Nutritionist Approved | Lab Tested for Mold + Heavy Metals

Meet the creators of Wild + Well-Fed

Hey there! 

We are Laura and Annika, the founders of Wild + Well-Fed.

We’ve been friends and business partners for four years. Between the two of us, we’ve worked with hundreds of 1:1 nutrition clients, and helped thousands of women through social media and our communities, group coaching programs, cookbooks, and free resources. 

We’ve seen the problems, we have the solutions, and we want to help.

Between the two of us, we’ve experienced: 

Acne, endometriosis, weight gain, disordered eating, debilitating migraines, mold exposure, estrogen dominance, rashes, psoriasis, eczema, hair loss, amenorrhea, long-term birth control use, post-birth control syndrome, constipation, bloating, SIBO, candida, dieting of all sorts (paleo, keto, fasting, AIP, low FODMAP), and so much more.

We are here because we’ve been there. We’ve been where you are now.

And we believe that even if you feel like you’ve tried everything, you’ve seen all the doctors, you tried the naturopath or the FMD, you’ve hired the Instagram nutritionist, you’ve spent thousands on supplements and protocols and courses that don’t work, and you’ve lost all hope, we still have hope for you. 

We believe your body is designed to heal.

In fact, your body is begging you to heal, and it will. You just need to give it the right tools.

We want to help you finally heal through our courses, resources, podcast, and products. Dive in!

  • Laura Lyons is a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner. She is the owner of Wild Lyons Wellness, founder of Wild + Well-Fed Wellness Collective, creator of online course Rewild Your Gut, and co-author of Eat Your Prenatal. She is a women’s health nutritionist with a focus on metabolism, hormones and digestion. 

    Her goal is to help women understand their bodies better, take the fear out of food and help women thrive in a world of diet culture and confusion. She is a food first practitioner and helps women conquer their symptoms through mineral balancing, comprehensive lab testing, diet and lifestyle changes. She has had the opportunity to help hundreds of women in 1:1 and group settings.

    Follow Along:

    Website | Instagram

  • Annika is a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner. She is a women’s health nutritionist specializing in the HTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis), cookbook author + recipe developer, birth doula, and co-author of Eat Your Prenatal. Her goal is to help women return to the way God designed them to eat and live.

    In a world where diet culture and being skinny is valued over true health and wellness, her purpose is to show women how much more there is to life when they break through the lies and get back to their purpose. She wants every woman to experience the food freedom she has found along this journey and enjoys every day, instead of living in the prison of unending diets.

    Follow Along:

    Website | Instagram

Other Courses + Resources:

Rewild Your Gut: Self- Paced Course

This course is designed to help you overcome your uncomfortable digestive symptoms without restrictive diets and stressful protocols so you can enjoy food again and live a happier, healthier life. Includes protocols and quizzes to figure out where your dysfunction lies so you can finally heal.

In my practice we always start with gut healing. It is always the first step at full body healing. Once your digestive system is in better shape you will notice improvements everywhere. You do not need need to be having digestive issues to benefit from this course. Upon purchase you will have immediate access to all content.

This is a great compliment to the membership content. Special pricing available inside the membership program.

Read Eat Your Prenatal

A comprehensive guide to prenatal nutrition without the catch- all supplement. Are you a woman? Do you plan on having children… ever? Whether you aren’t ready for pregnancy for another 5+ years, you’re actively prepping for pregnancy, you’re currently TTC, currently pregnant, or postpartum, Eat Your Prenatal is for you.

We believe that any woman in her fertile years should be intentionally eating and prepping for pregnancy every day, whether or not she ever plans on actually getting pregnant.

Relying on a catch-all prenatal supplement for optimal nutrition is a short cut that often times encourages a hands-off approach to health and provides sub-par mineral and vitamin forms. In this 170 page book you will learn what and how to eat to support fertility and healthy hormones.

Watch Entrepreneur Workshop

Are you excited and ready to step into the role of running your own wellness business, but you’re not sure where to start? Or maybe you already have your own business, but you’re feeling stuck, unsure, and struggling to grow. Maybe you’re even starting to feel unmotivated or you’re getting burnt out… Join Laura and Annika for the Wild + Well-Fed Entrepreneur Workshop: two entrepreneurs sharing their real and raw experiences running successful six figure online-businesses for the past 8 years.

During the workshop, we dive deep into all things business. We will be teaching you how we built our businesses from the ground up, our failure and success stories, what actually matters, the in’s and outs of social media and marketing, accounting and finances, business organization and automation, setting boundaries with clients, how to avoid burnout, utilizing different income streams, the emotional baggage of running your own business, and how to create relationships, community and happy clients.

Recipe Books

  • Med•abolic

    * Digital Download. Not a physical book.

  • Harvest

    * Digital Download. Not a physical book.

  • Fusion

    * Digital Download. Not a physical book.

  • Gather

    * Digital Download. Not a physical book.


  • Awesome! That means you’ll have a good base of knowledge coming in, but will be able to take advantage of our continuing education resources, the discussion that takes place within the membership, and feel continually supported by the community.

  • This membership is designed for all women in all areas of life… no matter your age, current health conditions, struggles, diet culture background, etc.

    We will be covering all kinds of different topics and answering YOUR questions both publicly (through our live Q+As) and directly (through our discussion forums) to make sure we’re serving and supporting you in the way you need.

    No matter where you’ve come from or where you’re heading with your health journey, you’ll be able to interact with us directly as well as get to know the community so that you feel fully supported along the way.

  • Yes! There will be various discussion boards where you can post your questions, comments, tips, experience, advice, etc. for other group members to answer and engage with! We encourage engagement and thought-provoking discussions so we can all get to learn & know each other better.

  • When it comes to running labs, we offer a unique and easy way run the labs you’ve been wanting, without the hefty price tag and commitment of working closely with a practitioner. Through Wild + Well-Fed, you’ll be able to order all functional lab testing we offer. We’ll provide you with your lab test results, a video interpretation of your results, and a food/supplement protocol to follow. You will have access to our private client section where you can ask questions about your protocol throughout your journey.

    Why do we require taking the course before ordering labs? Because we want to ensure that we are providing you with the best possible tools to succeed in healing your body. It would be a disservice for us to interpret a lab for you without you having a strong understanding of the foundations of nutrition. We want to ensure that you understand how and why you need to support your body once you have the test results and your interpretation so that you can move forward with your healing in the most efficient way.

    You will be required to fill out a form on your health history and goals so we can relate your labs to your results and come up with an individual protocol.

    The HTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Test)

    Comprehensive Blood Panel (including a full thyroid panel)

    The GI Map

    The DUTCH Complete hormone test

  • We switched to taking clients in this unique way after realizing people need more support and guidance than a 3 or 6 month package would allow. It is also more cost and time effective for both the practitioner and the client. We can help more people and you can still get the same care and attention as a client. You also get unlimited support from us in the private client portal as you would working 1:1 with a practitioner making it no different.

    One missing piece to 1:1 work is that healing naturally is a journey, it can take months to years so the membership allows for long term accountability, community, continuous inspiration, and the ability to share your story with others (more important than you think).

    The best part is you choose when and if you want to take courses or run labs. It’s all on your own terms!

  • How we work in our practice is addressing minerals and gut first, ALWAYS. Then we move into hormones if needed (most of the time addressing minerals and gut will do the trick and hormone balancing is a nice “side effect”).

    Both Rewild Your Gut and the Community Course are designed to heal your gut, hormones and balance minerals. But they are different.

    Rewild Your Gut is 100% digestion focused. You take a quiz to figure out where your imbalance lies and then you get to create your own protocol based off your results. It is super empowering to be equipped with this education and then be able to create your own protocol without a practitioner and expensive tests.

    If you are struggling with a lot of digestive issues, start here.

    The Community Course is dedicated to women's health and hormones - we dive in on thyroid, adrenals, metabolism, biohacking/ health markers, menstrual cycle, progesterone, estrogen, a small bit on digestion and liver, loaded info on nutrition and minerals, all things stress, lifestyle, etc... You name it!

    Most people are doing all three! Membership, Community Course, and Rewild Your Gut. If it's in your budget this is the way to go without needing to spend loads of money on practitioners and labs! You likely will be able to get your health in check with the membership and the courses!

    Lots of women are signing up for the VIP membership that is $349.99 and includes the community course and one year membership, and then purchasing rewild your gut for $277 (membership pricing) and then getting testing a la cart if they even need it after going through all the course content (most don’t).

    But for example, you could get the year membership, community course, rewild your gut and an HTMA lab test with a full analysis of your case by us for $1,000. THIS IS A STEAL and about 1/4 of the cost to work with a practitioner!